What it Takes to Raise Socially Intelligent Children
posted on Jan 29, 2022

Raising a child is indeed a gigantic task. However, no matter what, parents always try to perform their best in every facet to fulfill the responsibilities they owe to their children. Parents ensure that their kids get to lay their hands on the best of everything in their capacity, be it related to their education or anything else. However, there is one facet of child development that often remains unattended, and that is their social development.
At Gurukul The School, one of the top most schools in Ghaziabad, we believe that for any individual, whether an adult or a pre-schooler, marking his presence socially is equally important as his personal life. After all, the present age belongs to the socially active individuals who are adept at making friends swiftly, have no issues communicating with people of any or all walks of life, calmly understand others, and handle jeopardized situations with ease.
Thus, to help our little ones develop healthy social skills and grow into socially intelligent individuals, we, at Gurukul The School, have brought forth for you a few highly effective tips in this article below. Read on.
- Let them have rendezvous with other children
The simplest route a child can take to reach the social mark is to make trips to a playground. In other words, by having a playgroup of his own and by going out for playdates, children earn prospects to get themselves engaged with other kids, learn to share, take turns, and play together.
- Encourage them to open up and express
Children must feel mentally free at home to express their excitement, sadness, happiness, and other emotions. When they communicate and talk about them, they become more confident about their emotions in the long run. This thereby helps them to put across their thoughts and opinions in a clear and apt manner in social settings.
- Make them stick to the basic rules
There must be a few very fundamental rules that kids must learn to abide by at home, and this habit must be instilled right since their early years. Simple rules like putting their toys at their place upon playing, making their beds themselves, and putting their utensils in the sink after finishing their meals, can help them a lot in attaining the vital social skills that will come to their aid in life ahead,
- Introduce them to the magical words
Scholars and the elderly term “thank you” and “please” as two very important words for teaching children politeness and apt social behavior. Emphasizing their usage in day-to-day communication can show wonderful improvement in their social skills.
- Encourage them to indulge in reading
Here, the conventional saying of ‘old is gold’ fits perfectly. Reading has always been labeled by infinite intellectuals as the best technique to learn about anything and everything in life. You can apply this golden rule for teaching your kids about social intellect as well. When introduced in childhood, reading habit inculcates interest and curiosity, thus giving a push to their social personas.
At Gurukul The School, recognized as the top most schools in Ghaziabad, we strongly believe that along with academic brilliance and physical development, children also need an equal amount of grooming in terms of their social and emotional skills. They must be instilled with the vital life skills that come to their aid in every sphere of life. This is where the role of your child’s school comes to the fore.
As the mentors and guides of young minds, we, at Gurukul The School, make sure that along with growing into academically proficient individuals, our pupils are also imbued with other important virtues like communication skills, teamwork, leadership, collaboration, cooperation, and much more. If parents can too join the wagon and try to instill the kids with social and emotional intelligence, it will work as the booster dose of self-esteem and confidence for kids and help pave a smoother and stronger path for them to a better future ahead.